General terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery

1. Application
These terms and conditions of commercial sale apply to and form an integral part of all business transactions with the buyer and are deemed to be accepted with placing an order or with receipt of the products or services. Any terms and conditions set forth in any document or documents issued by the customer, especially regarding purchasing conditions, are hereby explicitly rejected and disregarded – even without an express written revocation on the part of the Seller. This exclusion also applies in the case that the other contracting party refers to his general terms and conditions or his general terms and conditions of purchase in counter-confirmations or in any other way.

2. Payment
Net payment is due within thirty (30) days of date of invoice. We shall not recognise discount deductions. Any collection expenses, stamp duties etc. will be calculated separately. VAT is not included in selling prices. In the event of any default by the buyer in the payment of any fees or charges due, or any other default by the buyer, Stewo may charge default interest at the rate of two (2) percent above the relevant interest rate for blank credits. Stewo shall have the right to require payment in advance. Stewo International AG reserves the right to invoice products and services agreed via electronic mail (e-mail). A fee of € 2.00 will be charged for invoices sent by letter.

3. Deliveries
For minimum order values and freight allowances please refer to the price list or respective quote. Additional costs for express delivery are at the expense of the buyer.

4. Retention of title
1. Products shall remain our property until the payment of all claims in respect of the business relationship with the buyer. The buyer may not pledge the retained goods or use them as security.
If the buyer should sell the products under retention of title, the actual goods will be replaced by the respective revenue.
2. The customer shall be obliged to notify us immediately of any loss, damage, seizure or any other endangering of or interference with reserved goods. Should we agree to a recovery of the reserved goods for reasons of damage or improper handling, this does not constitute rescission of the contract. Costs arising as a result of the assertion of our claims are at the expense of the buyer.
3. The recovery of goods or assertion of our reserved title on account of default in payment constitutes rescission of the contract unless otherwise expressly stated by us.
4. Sales displays provided on loan to the buyer remain Stewo International AG’s property. Displaying aids and items are solely designed for products within the Stewo sales program. We retain the right to claim the sales displays.
5. In case of damage and/or loss of sales display items, Stewo International AG may invoice the contracting party accordingly.

5. Additional or short deliveries
We reserve the right for a short or an additional delivery of up to five (5) % of the total quantity ordered for all printing orders and tailor-made products. Also, minor variances and differences in paper (nuance, weight per m², viscosity), colour and print – usual in the sector or technically unavoidable – shall be allowed.

6. Delivery dates
We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance caused by force majeure. In case of such a failure as set forth above, the performance of the relevant delivery may be duly prolonged or suspended. Stewo International AG may also withdraw from the contract, without Stewo being responsible or liable to the buyer for any damage resulting therefrom.

7. Regular printing colours
For printed products, regular printing colours are used. If special needs as to the qualities of the colours are required (e.g. light fastness, alkali fastness, friction resistance etc.), these shall be defined by the buyer upon ordering. However, no guarantee can be given as to the complete light fastness of printing colours. Minor variances and differences in colours are allowed; they do not entitle the buyer to refuse to accept the goods or to a price reduction.

8. Complaints
Complaints can only be taken into consideration if submitted within eight (8) days upon receipt of the goods. Insignificant, customary or technically-related variances which meet with the ordinary character cannot be complained. With manufacturing of paper goods comes a relatively low amount of defects which cannot be completely avoided. An allowance of up to 2% of defects of the total quantity ordered cannot be complained.

9. Returns
Return shipments shall only be accepted by Stewo International AG in consultation.

10. Call orders
In the case of call orders, the ordering party must call the goods within 12 months of the order's issue at regular intervals. The time limit for paying the received invoice starts as from the date of production. Delivery conditions as stated unter “3. Deliveries“ also apply for partial deliveries from call orders. Each partial delivery of an individual or call order is considered to be invoiceable business. Upon expiry of the time limit laid down in the call order, uncalled back-orders are subject to invoice. We will charge the buyer storage costs for each month in the amount of € 45.00/month per pallet.

11. Costs for drafts, final artwork and materials
Drafts, renderings, final artwork, printing plates, printing cylinders, blocks etc. will be charged individually and separately unless otherwise agreed in writing. The first correction of a good for printing is included in the price. A flat rate of € 85.00 per correction will be charged for each additional correction.

12. Printing cylinders
Printing cylinders may not be handed over. They remain our property, as the cylinder core will not be invoiced to the buyer. Printing cylinders will only be kept on stock for the time as the buyer places continuous orders.

13. Prices
For a final calculation, the price valid on the day of delivery is applicable. We abide by our obligations only to the extent that Stewo is not obliged by difficulties of an economic or other nature to adjust production and delivery to the changed circumstances, all liability for prejudice being declined.

14. Copyright/license fees
Further processing or usage permitted only with written authorization and with payment of a license fee to be determined.

15. Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Werthenstein.

As of September 2021, subject to change without notification.